
Too Many Notes! Part 2

Too many notes! Now that we’ve worked out the melody reduction and cross-picking arrangement in the upper register, it’s time to drop it down an octave and repeat the process. First off we have the melody reduction. Here it is with the melody, and chords: + Since we’re in the lower register we’ll be using […]

The Fourth and Final David Grier Plays Soldier’s Joy Part 4

At this point in the video (2:36 to be exact) Grier is practically at string melting velocity. Yeehaw! He’s clocking somewhere from 308 to 320 bpm! As with anything that you’re trying to learn, always start very slow, and with a metronome. So here’s the fourth and final part of David Grier’s solos from this video posted […]

Your Ol’ buddy David Grier Plays Soldier’s Joy Part Three

This is the third part of a series of posts that are transcriptions of each of David Grier’s solos from this video posted on Fretboard Journal. If you didn’t see the first one, you can find it here.  This solo starts at about the 2:07 mark in the video. At this point he ramps it up to about 280 bpm! […]

Pizzazz My Sunshine Part 3

This is the last part of the series on slurs. So far we’ve talked about hammer-ons, and pull-offs, and now we’ll be exploring slides. One of the things that I haven’t mentioned about the slurs is their lyrical quality. The voice has a very smooth transition from note to note, unless the vocalist chooses otherwise, but plucked […]

Pizzazz My Sunshine Part 2

Next up are pull-offs. Pull-offs are the opposite of hammer-ons, and another great way to create variations for our arrangements. If you've never done a pull-off here's how: when performing a pull-off you're going from a high note to a low note. You have to have both of the notes fretted at the same time, because [...]

Pizzazz My Sunshine

Now that we have some ways to arrange a tune, the next step is one that can help you get into a more improvisational style. It’s a way to start adding small variations to what we’ve already worked on, and with this we’ll be able to add a little pizzazz to our arrangements. One of […]

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