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Pizzazz My Sunshine Part 2

Next up are pull-offs. Pull-offs are the opposite of hammer-ons, and another great way to create variations for our arrangements. If you've never done a pull-off here's how: when performing a pull-off you're going from a high note to a low note. You have to have both of the notes fretted at the same time, because [...]

Pizzazz My Sunshine

Now that we have some ways to arrange a tune, the next step is one that can help you get into a more improvisational style. It’s a way to start adding small variations to what we’ve already worked on, and with this we’ll be able to add a little pizzazz to our arrangements. One of […]

Continuing the Cycle On the Not So Carter Carter Style

We’re continuing the cycle, by taking the Not So Carter, Carter Style arrangement and converting it to a cross-picking arrangement. The melody of this version is in the higher register, so we’ll be using the backward roll to cross-pick it. Let’s first look at the first four measures of the Carter style version: Now we’re going to apply the backward roll. […]

What Next?

So far we’ve covered the forward roll, and the backward roll. If you haven’t learned them yet you can see the forward roll here, and the backward roll here. The next step is to start putting these patterns to use creating cross-picked arrangements of any tune that suits your fancy. It’s best to start with something simple, and then […]

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